"So long as they don't get violent, I want to let everyone say what they wish, for I myself have always said exactly what pleased me." -- Albert Einstein

I'd like to get this pic and quote to be on the page and not appear as a post. Maybe I'm braindead but I tried the hello proggie and it puts it here. I even read the help section. Any advice? Anyone?
Blogger tends not to be too sexy or versatile, which is why it suits me fine as a teacher. I've got a couple of photos on my blog, but they do show as part of posts and, short of dubbing around in the HTML of the template (and even then or especially then, no guarantees) I don't know what you can do.
I like the quotation, and back in the day, I had a poster of the photo on the wall of my 7th grade classroom, just to keep the kids loose. But from what I've read in the past few years, he was less the peace-loving, free-sprited pixie than the photo would lead one to believe. What does it do for you?
Well, frankly I like that he wasn't the "peace-loving, free-spirited pixie". I believe in the balance in each of us...a little light here, some shadow over there. I like the picture mostly because I don't think he was making the face humorously which further illustrates the point. The quote is a good one. I'm a quote kinda girl I guess.
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