Theme Week 12: The Reflection 4
She looked like a miniaturized version of herself. Everything was perfectly in its place and in all the right proportions but there was something not quite full sized about her. Standing next to someone she was almost shocking to look at, sort of like Alice after her mis-adventures with the cake only she was real which gave the experience the undeniable edge of the surreal.
Alright. I suppose that I'll wait for some feedback before I post more. Can't quite convince myself that I have the feel for what you're asking. Do I?
Feedback? I'd feel more than a little silly giving you general feedback. These aren't pieces I can use to teach from because they are complete, done, finished, rendered, beyond any possible suggestion or cavil. I'm going to reread them and see what I have to say one by one, but it isn't much and I don't say alas to that. I say you know what you're up to and nothing I can say will add or subtract.
A beginning leading to the next thing--the first sentence is bound to be revisited later for humor, for irony, for symbol, perhaps finally for heartache.
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